Mark Zvolanek wrote:
> Hi,
> I use "$q->url();" to obtain my script's full path.
> After installing IIS6, above returns only server name, for example
> "http://host1";. The full path to my cgi script is missing, I am
> expecting
> "http://host1/cgi-bin/";
> Btw I have tried $q->url(-full_path=>1) but no go.
> Would anyone know how to enable this on IIS6?

Never used it, but you might try something like:

my $url = "http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}$ENV{REQUEST_URI}";;

If you need to check for https, you could check $ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL}.

You can try printing your ENV vrbls out and see what's available:

foreach (sort keys %ENV) {
        print "<BR>$_ = $ENV{$_}\n";
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