
I found a work around by filter on all computers
and then do a print for all computers except if ( $dn =~ m!*Disabled 
Computers*!i );

From: Steven Manross <>
To: A F <>;
Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 11:05:38 PM
Subject: RE: Listing computers from a specific OU


I have seen this exact behavior in my test domain with the below script.

distinguishedname is probably a bad field to be using for this.

...where distinguishedname is something like this:

CN=COMPUTER14 Disabled,OU=Some OU,OU=Test Accounts,OU=Computer

You could use cn instead of distinguishedname in your search (for a DN
like above) since cn is the last part of the distinguished name
(cn=COMPUTER14 Disabled)...

    query_ldap("<LDAP://" . $dc .

This won't work if you are trying to find an OU name that has the word
"Disabled" in it.

However, I didn't have an example of a distinguished name that you
wanted to test for, so I can't cover all the scenarios.  If this isn't
what you were looking for, give us an example of the dns you are trying
to match.



    From: A F [] 
    Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 9:48 PM
    To: Steven Manross;
    Subject: Listing computers from a specific OU
    Hi All,
    I have this code from Steven that I've modified to get the
number of all computer in a specific ou ( OU=History,OU=Disabled
Computers) but I am getting 0.
    This is the filter I am using
(&(objectclass=Computer)(Distinguishedname=*Disabled*)).  There are
about 500 computers in that OU.
    How can I get a record count from that OU? 
    use Win32::OLE;
        my $RootDSE = Win32::OLE->GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE");
        $dc = $RootDSE->Get("DnsHostName");
        print "$dc\n";
        query_ldap("<LDAP://" . $dc .
        print "recordcount = ".$objects->{RecordCount}."\n";
        sub query_ldap {
          my $ldap_query = $_[0];
          my $error_num;
          my $error_name;
          my $RS;
          my $Conn = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Connection");
          if (Win32::OLE->LastError() != 0) {
            print "Failed creating ADODB.Connection object
(".Win32::OLE->LastError().")\n  -> $ldap_query\n";
            return 0;
          $Conn->{'Provider'} = "ADsDSOObject";
          if (Win32::OLE->LastError() != 0) {
            print "Failed setting ADODB.Command Provider
(".Win32::OLE->LastError().")\n  -> $ldap_query\n";
            return 0;
          #$Conn->{Open} = "Perl Active Directory Query";
          $Conn->{Open} = "Active Directory Provider";
          my $Cmd = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Command");
          $Cmd->{ActiveConnection} = $Conn;
          if (Win32::OLE->LastError() != 0) {
            print "Failed creating ADODB.Command object
(".Win32::OLE->LastError().")\n  -> $ldap_query\n";
            return 0;
          $Cmd->{CommandText} = $ldap_query;
          $Cmd->{ActiveConnection} = $Conn;
          $Cmd->{Properties}->{"Page Size"} = 500;
          $RS = $Cmd->Execute();
          if (Win32::OLE->LastError() != 0) {
            print "Failed Executing ADODB Command object
(".Win32::OLE->LastError().")\nExecuting ADODB Command ->
            return 0;
          } else {
            $_[1] = $RS;
            return 1;
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