Good work Laurent! I had a quick glance through your dev codeline, and it
looks good. I'm quite interested in the DoModal stuff:) I've got quite a few
test scripts, so once you've committed these changes I'll run through them.

With the 671 build, perhaps it's time for a bit of self promotion and spread
this build around the web (update the activestate repository etc)?



----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Cc: "Aldo Calpini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Time for a new Release ? and start
next Win32::GUI implementation

> Hi All,
> > On approximately 3/14/2004 8:00 PM, came the following characters from
> > the keyboard of Glenn Linderman:
> >
> > > I'd rather not hold anything up,
> > > but I need NotifyIcon support if I'm going to use NEM.
> >
> > Please don't hold up a release on my account.  I've chosen to back out
> > my attempt to convert code from OEM to NEM...
> >
> Ok, if nobody have objection, i made a new release tomorrow.
> I tag this release as Win32-GUI-0_0_671 on CVS and upload source and PPM
> sourceforge.
> > And good luck with NEM and UEM development.  I'll try to keep tracking
> > progress, and offering suggestions that might be helpful, but for now I
> > simply must finish my project, as it has customers with a deadline.
> I continue my work on refactoring Win32::GUI code.
> I have made lot of change :
>   - Add some more methods for controls
>   - Extend callback function to all control. It's probably interresting to
> continue in this way for add posibility to create Win32::GUI extension by
> adding a system for register callback function.
>   - Completly rewrite message loop and event handling.
>      I rewrite all messageloop and keep common event handling in it.
>      I think message loop are now much easier.
>         WindowMsgLoop : Message loop for main window class
>         ControlMsgLoop : for child message loop. Use for subclassing
> standard child control and Win32::GUI::Class.
>         ContainerMsgLoop : Special message loop for create container class
> with Win32::GUI::Class.
>         CustomMsgLoop    : Special message loop for create specific
> Win32::GUI control (splitter, graphics).
>      Now all specific event is handle in a <Control>_OnEvent callback
> function.
>      Each event is fire by a unique DoEvent method (same concept
> with arglist).
>      DoEvent handle NEM and OEM event call. (UEM?)
>   - Try Write code for NotifyIcon and Accelerator NEM handling (not tested
> yet)
>   - New DoModal() (based Aldo previous mail)
>   - Some code cleanup
>   - Fix some problem with url link in and
>   - ...
> I have test some script and it's work not to bad.
> I try to keep compatibility with previous version.
> You can see a copy of my developpement directory here :
> After Win32::GUI 0.0.671 release, i think we can work on this base code
> next release.
> It's probably better to use Main Win32-GUI CVS branch now.
> Cheers,
>     Laurent
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