Does anyone have any strong views about what versions of Perl we should continue to support? For some time now we have not released PPMs for Perl earlier than 5.6.

The reason I ask: I have got to the bottom of tracker 1164766 (Unhook generating warnings) and it turns out to be a difference between the implementation of the perl api av_delete function in perl 5.6 (and earlier) and perl 5.8. Now I have a solution that works for 5.6 and 5.8, but probably won't work with earlier perl versions, and I'm not inclined to add another perl version to build and test against.

I could just leave the existing code in a #ifdef block, checking the perl version, but (1) I somehow doubt that existing code compiles with earlier perl's anyway, and (2) If we start needing to do this all over the place it will make a real mess of the code

Would anyone have an issue if I was to make a decision to only support 5.6 and 5.8 going forwards?


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