christopher sagayam wrote:
> I might be slow to learn but
> Actually what Im concerned about is the while loop
> How do I get out of the while loop ?
> while ( ($status, $status_text) = RasGetConnectStatus($hrasconn) ) {
> }
> once the control goes into this loop how it is going to get out ?
> Or are these kinds of daemons possible in Win32::GUI ?

as I already said, it depends on your application. and I also add,
it depends on your Perl programming style :-)
a possible way could be:

    $stay_in_loop = 1;
    while ( $stay_in_loop ) {
        ($status, $status_text) = RasGetConnectStatus($hrasconn)
            or $stay_in_loop = 0;

        # ...body of the loop...

at this point, you could have for example a 'Stop' button which
can control the loop like this:

    sub Stop_Click {
        $stay_in_loop = 0;

but you may prefer a different approach...


$_=q,just perl,,s, , another ,,s,$, hacker,,print;

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