>What advantage does this give you?  The -> form searches the @ISA class
>hierarchy but once it finds the function the two forms are equivilent.
>Is there something about use of threads which forbids object syntax?  The
>object form is safer and seems cleaner to me.

Glenn got his reply in while I was typing mine. I think we are saying the
same thing however...

The problem here I think is that what we are commonly referring to as a
"thread", isn't. It must be viewed as if it is a separate process.

If you create an object in one "thread" (process), it does not exist in the
other "thread" (process). I can't see any way to use the object syntax on an
object that was not created in my "thread" (process). Maybe I missed
something along the way.

So, I resorted to the "classless" call mechanism.

--- Tom
Tom Allebrandi

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