
Thanks for the idea.  I added your suggestion, minus the WS_HSCROLL (I want
wrapping to take effect).  It does produce a scroll bar.  It removes the effect
of -readonly, but since I never look at the resulting text, and refresh it on
the next display, that isn't terribly problematical.  Perhaps I'll diddle around
and find something that turns -readonly back on.  Perhaps another -style flag?

Peter Eisengrein wrote:

> Not sure if the -style flag works on textfields but it does on RichEdits and
> that might be what's missing. Try adding this to your Textfield hash:
>         -style     => WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL
>                       | ES_LEFT | ES_MULTILINE,
> -Pete
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenn Linderman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 12:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: [perl-win32-gui-users] Textfield question
> Hi,
> I'm a Perl expert, but a Windows novice.  I'm using the .558 version of
> Win32::GUI, and having great success for the most part.  There are some
> rough
> edges, and some apparently missing pieces, but no showstoppers so far, to
> achieve what I need.
> I created a Textfield as
>   $help_text = $neww -> AddTextfield (
>     -name => 'help_text',
>     -text => "This is not very\r\nhelpful, yet.",
>     -multiline => 1, -readonly => 1, -vscroll => 1,
>     -top => $lastbottom, -left => 0, -width => 600, -height => 190,
>     );
> The -vscroll doesn't seem to have any affect.  When I later
> $help_text -> Text ( $long_string );
> and use a string that is longer than fits in the Textfield, I expected, but
> did not get, a vertical scroll bar on the right of the Text field.  Any easy
> way to make that happen?  Or must I limit my help text to the available
> space?
> I tried using RichEdit instead, but it doesn't seem to honor -readonly, and
> doesn't display a scrollbar either.  Although it did do scrolling of sorts,
> via the up & down cursor keys... but it seemed to only scroll in "whole
> field
> size" jumps, not line at a time.  Going back to the Textfield, I tried
> clicking on it and using the up & down cursor keys, but no joy.
> If there is no easy way, does someone have sample code for the hard way?
> --
> Glenn
> =====
> Even if you're on the right track,
> you'll get run over if you just sit there.
>                        -- Will Rogers
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> Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list
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Even if you're on the right track,
you'll get run over if you just sit there.
                       -- Will Rogers

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