>From my understanding BringWindowToTop is for Windows
not objects on a window.  I did a quick search on MSDN
and it seems to indicate this too.  If I'm mistaken,
please let me know.

In view of that, I wonder if BringWindowToTop is
really doing anything, perhaps it's just the Show and
Hide behavior that you are dealing with.  I'll look
through MSDN a little bit more and see if there is
anything there that can shed some light.  Of course,
if someone already knows the answer they can save me
some time. ;-)


--- "Piske, Harald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all,
> I know I'm getting naggy with things that no one
> ever comes across. This
> time it's hiding select objects with
> $main->buggything->Hide(). When I bring
> one back with Show() I need it to be on top, so I do
> $main->buggything->BringWindowToTop(). Here's the
> catch:
> - I only ever come on top of every other object that
> has previously been
> hidden
> - I have to do Win32::GUI::DoEvents() between Show()
> and BringWindowToTop()
> or the object will actually land underneath all
> others, so effectively it
> makes a SendWindowToBack()
> These are not reliable results, the effects vary
> with factors I fail to
> recognise (moon phase or so).
> My message is, Show/Hide and BringWindowToTop don't
> seem to mix. If I ever
> hide an object (or try to sneak around hiding by
> moving it off the visible
> client area), the next BringWindowToTop will send it
> on top of all other
> objects previously hidden, but beneath all "static
> junk".
> Is that a MicroStuff "feature" or is this Win32-GUI
> specific? How do I show
> a previously hidden thing on top of everything else?
> Any other way to affect
> the Z-order? Please don't tell me to hide and show
> all my objects. I tried
> and, guess what, just to annoy me, that doesn't
> work. My embarassing
> work-around is to recreate the objects with
> $main->AddStuff() ... ouch.
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> Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list
> Perl-Win32-GUI-Users@lists.sourceforge.net

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