> > I found "timer.pl" in sample is good for desktop clock accesary.
> > Now I don't like it be hidden when other apprications get active.
> > I mean I like to keep it on top level in z-axis.
> > Is it possible?
> create the window with the -topmost => 1 option.

Thank you but may I continue more?

This -topmost option cann't be changed after creation?
Below code works fine on re-sizing, but not on -topmost.

##!perl -w
# original is "Hello, world".
# test for -tpmost.
use Win32::GUI;
$MW = new Win32::GUI::Window(
    -title   => 'hello.pl',
    -left    => 100,
    -top     => 100,
    -width   => 150,
    -height  => 100,
    -name    => 'MainWindow',
    -topmost => 0,
    -visible => 1,
$hello = $MW->AddButton(
    -text    => 'Hello',
    -name    => 'Hello',
    -left    => 25,
    -top     => 25,
$rc = Win32::GUI::Dialog(0);
sub MainWindow_Terminate {
    # return -1;
sub Hello_Click {
    if($MW->Hello->Text eq "Hello") {
        $MW->Hello->{-text} = "Goodby";
             -width   => 250,
             -height  => 200,
             -topmost => 1,
    } else {
        $MW->Hello->{-text} = "Hello";
             -width   => 150,
             -height  => 100,
             -topmost => 0,



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