Morbus wrote:
Neat idea, but now, instead of seeing the last $message being passed as the first line of the RichEdit (scrolled to that first line), I see a blank screen - the autoscroll goes past my last line... Course, changing the \n around fixes that (with the side effect of a blank first line), but my autoscrolling problem is still there.

Sorry I'm dense, I don't get it. Try this:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use Win32::GUI;

my $winMain = new Win32::GUI::Window(
        -left   => 13,
        -top    => 32,
        -width  => 439,
        -height => 260,
        -name   => "winMain",
        -text   => "Autoscroller"

                -text    => "",
                -name    => "rePOD",
                -left    => 0,
                -top     => 0,
                -width   => 400,
                -height  => 220,
                -style    =>
                                ES_AUTOVSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL |
                                ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL |
                -exstyle  => WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,
                -tabstop        => 1,


for my $i (1..40) {

    $winMain->rePOD->Select(999999,999999); #Stolen from the PM chatterbox
    $winMain->rePOD->ReplaceSel("line $i\n",1);
    select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25);


This will scroll the RichEdit as you "print" more text into it. Is that not what you wanted?

If you want to scroll the RichEdit to a certain line, download the Oasis source and look at the Win32::GUI::AdHoc module. It contains the sub

  richEditScroll($reControl, $noCol, $noLines)

which sends the EM_LINESCROLL message to the RichEdit control.


Johan Lindström, Sourcerer, Boss Casinos Ltd, Antigua

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