I would recommend checking for a double-click event and then showing a new window with the textfield and the corresponding data from the listview and allowing the user to make the change that way.


At 5/16/2001 11:30 PM, you wrote:
I'm trying to do this:

A Listview with two columns (Property, Value). When the user clicks on an Item in the list, the Value column becomes editable.

I looked at the EditLabel thing, but that edited the first column only, and that didn't work properly anyway with the edit-box losing focus right away.

So, I was thinking of placing a Textfield on top of the Listview and Showing it when the user clicks on an Item. Two problems:

a) How do I get rid of the border around the Textfield?

b) It seems like as soon as i SetFocus to the Textfield, the Listview takes it back. So I do a lot of kludgy stuff to bring the focus back to the textfield. As a nice side-effect, this actually redraws the Listview so the border doesn't show :) But all this seems fragile and is obviously not the right way.

Any ideas?


PS. As I write this I realize that the first focus thing with the EditLabel seems related to the other focus thing I describe.
Johan Lindström, Sourcerer, Boss Casinos Ltd, Antigua

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