I have been trying various methods, ProgressBar, Flashing Text etc. to show some
form of Progress whilst files are bieng added to a Zip Archive using Win32::ZIP,
alas no luck even after some inspired help from the list. As one last effort I
am trying to display an AVI that I created but again nothing, can anyboby tell
me 1. What am I doing wrong or 2. Is this posible with the Win32::ZIP package. I
have also tried While loops and timers etc.

, code below:

if (-e $network) {
               if (-e $dirname) {
                    if (-e $archive) {

                    # Update the Archive
                    my $zipobj=new
                    undef $options;

                    $status->AddAnimation(-autoplay => 1,
                                   -transparent => 1,
                                   -left      => 0,
                                   -top       => 55,);



                    $zipobj->GetStatistics([EMAIL PROTECTED]);
                    printf DATAPLACE "FileName      Date/Time Compression\n";
                    for($i=0;$i<=$#StatInfo;$i++) {
                    printf DATAPLACE "$StatInfo[$i]->{FileName}
$StatInfo[$i]->{DateTime}    $StatInfo[$i]->{Ratio}\n";
                    undef $zipobj;

                    close DATAPLACE;

                         } else {

Many thanks


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