#This IS executing, I can tell because $changes is being set to 1...
sub reDesc_Change{
  $changes = 1;
  my ($x,$y) = $main->reDesc->Selection;
  my $currentline = $main->reDesc->LineFromChar($x);

  while (1)
     my $firstline = $main->reDesc->FirstVisibleLine;
     my $linecount = $main->reDesc->SendMessage(0x00ba,0,0);
     my $lastline = $firstline + $linecount - 1;
     last if ($lastline >= $currentline);
  return 1;

Okay, the problem is EM_LINECOUNT returns total lines, not visible lines (I should have read the documentation more closely). I tried this and it works:

sub reDesc_Change{
  $changes = 1;
  my ($start,$stop) = $main->reDesc->Selection;

  while (1)
my ($x,$y) = $main->reDesc->PosFromChar($stop); # or $start, if you prefer
     last if ($y <= $main->reDesc->Height - 20);
  return 1;

You might want to set a variable before the while loop instead of calling $main->reDesc->Height over and over again (it's less processor-intensive, although in my tests, the code took less than a second, anyway) (or, if you never resize the control, you could even hard-code it, although I dislike that approach myself).

I subtract 20 because the limiting rectangle of the control (that's the amount of space text can appear in) is smaller than the actual rectangle. (PosFromChar returns a value relative to the limiting rectangle, not the actual rectangle.) There is a message you can send to get the actual limiting rectangle, but it requires packing a structure, which apparently will not work with Win32::GUI::SendMessage (although someone posted that it will work if you roll your own SendMessage via Win32::API). Rather than go through all that, I simply fudged it by using 20. (If you're planning on using different font sizes, you'll probably want to use a variable here, too.) If you would prefer a more exact approach, I would be willing to help (as, I'm sure, would others).

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