> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Newbie to GUI -- Busy Window?
> BTW, if you want to install 0.0.665, just extract the files 
> from the tarball
> that comes with the .ppd file.  In it is a blib folder.  You 
> should be able
> to manually copy the folders in there to their appropriate places in
> /perl/site/lib, and that will do it.

Huh? There's no ppd in 665 ... or has somebody made it into one?? Gimmeeeee!
Or do you mean adapting the ppd that came with 558 and tweak 665 into it?
How? I don't get it.

Having a ppm for 665 would really be nice, you could easily switch back and
forth, as long as there are major issues with the new version.

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