
I tested  your script with 0.0.665 on Win2k,
Works as you describe,  shame about the jumping though.

I used to call Dialog this way, (ignorant of modal I admit) then I read
methods.html in the docs which states,

"note that this function must be called without ANY parameter or
instantiation (eg. don't call it as method of a created object): 
        Win32::GUI::Dialog(); # correct
    $Window->Dialog();    # !!!WRONG!!!
Perhaps Mr Calpini , chose to hide this feature because it still had
problems ??

John R

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan Lindstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 6:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [perl-win32-gui-users] HOWTO: Modal windows
> Aaaarggg!!! I started poking around in GUI.xs, looking for a 
> solution to my 
> double event problem, and found the mother of all 
> undocumented features:
> True modal dialog boxes in Win32::GUI. Well very close anyway...
> I _always_ thought this wasn't possible. Heck, I even wrote 
> Win32::GUI::Modalizer just to hack (and it is a sorry hack) 
> around that 
> absent feature.
> In the event that this is common knowledge and I'm the only 
> one who didn't 
> get this obvious thing, I have already prepared a big "Doh!" 
> for myself 
> :)  If not, this is how to do it.
> Test the script below.
> What I found was that Win32::GUI::Dialog accepts a hwnd 
> parameter. So you 
> don't have to call it like this:
> Win32::GUI::Dialog();
> you can also call it like this:
> $win->Dialog();
> and then the event loop is restricted to $win, which means 
> other windows 
> don't get processed.
> There are still a few things not 100% correct with this:
> - Your windows aren't really connected to the modal window. 
> This is only 
> noticable when you switch between other applications and your 
> GUI program, 
> in that they don't get moved on top of the other application 
> when your 
> modal window gets focus again.
> - There seems to be some problem with mouse events when 
> clicking in the 
> main window, and then clicking on the title bar on your modal 
> window (the 
> modal window jumps to a new location relative to the previous 
> click. this 
> is obviously wrong).
> Apart from that it seems to work. This goes for 0.0.558. Can someone 
> confirm this behaviour with 0.0.665?
> In brief:
> - Call it like $win->Dialog();
> - In the Terminate event, or a close-button Click event, 
> Hide() the modal 
> window and return -1 to break out of the main loop. The modal 
> window isn't 
> destroyed.
> - You can also make a MessageBox modal to a window like this:
> $winModeless->MessageBox("Clicked the Test button", "Test");
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use Win32::GUI;
> my $winModeless = new Win32::GUI::Window(
>          -left   => 13,
>          -top    => 32,
>          -width  => 439,
>          -height => 260,
>          -name   => "winModeless",
>          -text   => "Win32::GUI::Modalizer Synopsis [1]"
>          );
> $winModeless->AddButton(
>          -text    => "&Open",
>          -name    => "btnModelessOpen",
>          -left    => 358,
>          -top     => 207,
>          -width   => 70,
>          -height  => 21,
>          );
> $winModeless->AddButton(
>          -text    => "&Test",
>          -name    => "btnModelessTest",
>          -left    => 358,
>          -top     => 20,
>          -width   => 70,
>          -height  => 21,
>          );
> my $winModeless2 = new Win32::GUI::Window(
>          -left   => 100,
>          -top    => 100,
>          -width  => 439,
>          -height => 260,
>          -name   => "winModeless2",
>          -text   => "Win32::GUI::Modalizer Synopsis [2]"
>          );
> my $winDialog = new Win32::GUI::DialogBox(
>          -left   => 50,
>          -top    => 50,
>          -width  => 439,
>          -height => 260,
>          -name   => "winDialog",
>          -text   => "Dialog Box",
>          );
> $winDialog->AddButton(
>          -text    => "&Ok",
>          -name    => "btnDialogOk",
>          -left    => 358,
>          -top     => 207,
>          -width   => 70,
>          -height  => 21,
>          );
> $winModeless->Show();
> $winModeless2->Show();
> #Go modal
> Win32::GUI::Dialog();
> ##Event handlers
> #Modeless window
> sub winModeless_Terminate {
>      return(-1);
>      }
> sub btnModelessOpen_Click {
>       $winDialog->Show();
>       $winDialog->Dialog();
>      return(1);
>      }
> sub btnModelessTest_Click {
>      $winModeless->MessageBox("Clicked the Test button", 
> "Test Button");
>      return(1);
>      }
> #Modeless2 window
> sub winModeless2_Terminate {
>      return(-1);
>      }
> #Dialog window
> sub winDialog_Terminate {
>      $winDialog->Hide();
>      return -1;
>      }
> sub btnDialogOk_Click {
>       $winDialog->Hide();
>       print "Ok\n";
>      return(-1);
>      }
> __END__
> /J
> -------- ------ ---- --- -- --  --  -    -     -      -         -
> Johan Lindström    Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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