> I installed Perl 5.8 and program crashed right away.  But that was because
> the ppm I used for Win32::Gui was for Perl 5.6.  For some reason there is
> no ppm for Perl 5.8 on the SourceForge.net web site, at least I didn't see
> one.  Looked through the archives and found it on
> http://perso.club-internet.fr/rocherl/Win32GUI.html .  Any reason why it's
> not on SourceForge, and on the other site?

It's my personnal build of Win32::GUI 0.558 for ActiveState 5.8 ;o)
I don't have access to upload it on SourceForge.
If someone can do it, no problem for use this file.

> Side note.  When I ran Trevors script I got the following message:
> Win32::GUI: the -style option is deprecated! at
> C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/GUI.pm line 524.

This message is show only if you want warning.

> What are we suppose to use in place of style to get things like scroll
> bars.

You can use -addstyle/-remstyle for add/remove style.

You have some switch for add/remove specific window style.

-visible  WS_VISIBLE
-disabled WS_DISABLED
-group    WS_GROUP
-tabstop  WS_TABSTOP
-hscroll  WS_HSCROLL
-vscroll  WS_VSCROLL


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