Hello there
I am computer engg student in Singapore and am currently developing a perl 
application for which I need to develop a small and simple GUI. For this I came 
across this Win32::GUI module and feel its very easy to use. However I'm having 
trouble with it and was hoping someone could help me since posts in forums etc 
havent been much help. I thought mailing here directly would be the best thing 
to do.
Firstly i downloaded the package but when i say ppm install Win32-GUI i get an 
error as follows:
Error: No valid repositories; Error 500 Can't connect to ppm.Activestate.com:80 
(connect: Unknown error) at D:/Perl/site/lib/PPM/Repository.pm line 84 Error: 
500 Can't connect to ppm-ia.Activestate.com:80 (connect: Unknown error) at 
D:/Perl/site/lib/PPM/Repository.pm line 84 
I feel either there is something wrong with my pre-instaled modules or im doing 
something wrong, but have no idea what it is.
Also if i try to run a simple script to make a window with one button or any 
other script that uses this module I get the following error:
Can't locate loadable object for module Win32::GUI in @INC (@INC contains 
D:/Perl/lib D:/Perl/site/lib .) at GUI.pl line 1
Compilation failed in require at GUI.pl line 1
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at GUI.pl line 1

Once again I think i'm not sure why this error is coming. I did copy the GUI.pm 
file in all the directories specified. Please tell me what else I should do. I 
am in a hurry and need to start developing soon which wont take time once this 
problem is solved. I am hoping someone would reply to be as soon as possible.

Any suggestions/help/advise to put me onto track would be much appreciated! 
Thank you for your time. Hoping to hear from you soon



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