
In this update:

 - GUI.xs : Made ProgressBar aware of -foreground and -background colour


my $progressbar = new Win32::GUI::ProgressBar($mainwindow,
    -name => "PB1",
    -left => 0,
    -top => 0,
    -width => 100,
    -height => 20,
    -foreground => [255,0,0], # Red. Can also use a color object as normal
    -background => [0,0,0], # Black.

$progressbar->Change(-foreground => [80,80,80]); # Change bar colour to
$progressbar->Change(-background => [0,80,80]); # Change background colour
to slate.

 - GUI.xs : Added Result(handle, code) call for explicitly setting the
returned LRESULT from a handler. (normally the value returned from Perl
handlers was not returned from their calling wndproc, this allows you to
specify a result that will be returned.)


my notifyhandler {
    my $object = shift;
    $object->Result(20);    # set the value we should return to Windows to
be 20.
    return 0;

See the API documentation on msdn.microsoft.com for valid values to return
on particular messages. This feature is most useful for responding to the
various WM_NOTIFY and WM_COMMAND messages.

 - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : If CommonMsgLoop must be called then it is called
before any Hook handlers are called.

You will probably not notice a difference with this change. Basically it
means that any events that were previously processed AFTER the hooks were
called are now done BEFORE the hooks are called. The most significant
advantage of this is that you can now hook WM_PAINT and do all your
client-area drawing there (previously, any drawing you did was erased

Any problems, mail the list. Any suggestions, bug reports or feature
requests, please use:

Thank you and good night :)


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