
For a while I've been playing with rebars, with the goal of ending up with 
something like the attached image...

With the recent (excellent) additional methods/styles to the toolbar, I went 
back to the rebar, and tried to add a tool bar to it. I couldn't get the 
toolbar to work when it is used by itself - since it requires a parent on 
creation - but I was able to add a toolbar to a child window, which in turn can 
be added to the rebar. This is not ideal, but does work. See the example below 
(I have used some of the new toolbar styles).

Ideally you should be able to add a toolbar, and for that matter a menu 
directly to a rebar control (not via a child window).  I've done some searching 
and came up with the these examples: 

http://www.codeguru.com/toolbar/iebars.html  (the attached image was taken from 
this site, included the C code required to create this example).

Are these "easy" changes/additions?




use Win32::GUI;
use strict;

#Create the imagelist that will be used for the toolbar
my $B1 = new Win32::GUI::Bitmap("one.bmp");
my $B2 = new Win32::GUI::Bitmap("two.bmp");
my $B3 = new Win32::GUI::Bitmap("three.bmp");
my $IL = new Win32::GUI::ImageList(16, 16, 0, 3, 10);
$IL->Add($B1, 0);
$IL->Add($B2, 0);
$IL->Add($B3, 0);

#create the main window
my $mainwindow = new GUI::Window(
    -title    => "Win32::GUI::Rebar test",
    -left     => 100,
    -top      => 100,
    -width    => 600,
    -height   => 200,
    -name     => "Window",
    -onTerminate => sub { return -1 },

#create the child window which will contain the toolbar
my $band0 = new Win32::GUI::Window (
    -parent    => $mainwindow,
    -name      => "ToolBar",
    -popstyle  => WS_CAPTION | WS_SIZEBOX,
    -pushstyle => WS_CHILD,

#create a child window for band 1 of the rebar control, this band will contain 
two buttons
my $band1 = new Win32::GUI::Window (
    -parent    => $mainwindow,
    -name      => "Action",
    -popstyle  => WS_CAPTION | WS_SIZEBOX,
    -pushstyle => WS_CHILD,

#Add a button to band 1
$band1->AddButton (
         -name     => 'Button1',
         -pos      => [0, 1],
         -size     => [60, 20],
         -text     => 'Button 1',
         -tip      => 'Button 1',
         -onClick => sub {print 'Button 1 clicked' },

#Add a button to band 1
$band1->AddButton (
         -name     => 'Button2',
         -pos      => [65, 1],
         -size     => [60, 20],
         -text     => 'Button 2',
         -tip      => 'Button 2',
         -onClick => sub {print 'Button 2 clicked' },

#create a rebar control
my $rebar; 
$rebar = $mainwindow->AddRebar(
    -name   => "Rebar",
    -bandborders => 1,
    #-fixedorder  => 1,
    -onHeightChange => sub {print 'Rebar_HeightChange'.$rebar->Height;},

#Insert band 1
$rebar->InsertBand (  
  -child     => $band0,
  -width     => 100,
  -minwidth  => 100,
  -minheight => 24,
#Insert band 2
$rebar->InsertBand (  
  -child     => $band1,
  -width     => 130,
  -minwidth  => 130,
  -minheight => 24,

#Add the toolbar to band 0
my $TB = $band0->AddToolbar(
    -name   => "Toolbar",
    -nodivider => 1,
    -onButtonClick => sub {my ($self,$button)[EMAIL PROTECTED];print " button 
$button clicked";},
#Set the image list, and add the styles 
#Add the buttons
    0, 1, 4, 0, 0,
    1, 2, 4, 0, 1,
    0, 0, 0, TBSTYLE_SEP, 0,
    2, 3, 4, 0, 2,
#add the tooltips

#show the main window


Attachment: rebar.png
Description: Binary data

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