Very odd - I just ran that example and it displayed for me. (XP perl 5.6, win32::gui v1.0).

What sub version of 5.8 are you using?



----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 8:04 PM
Subject: [perl-win32-gui-users] Windows not displaying?


I'm looking at adding a GUI to several of my Perl scripts.  I've
been trying to use Win32::GUI, but my windows will never display.
I've tried several sample scripts I've found on the net and they
won't work either.  i.e., a simple "Hello World" test like this
won't work for me (from

use Win32::GUI;
$main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
            -name   => 'Main',
            -width  => 100,
            -height => 100,
$main->AddLabel(-text => "Hello, world", -name => 'label');

sub Main_Terminate {

Any ideas why?  The window does appear to be created.  I can open
Spy++ (DevStudio 7) and it shows the "Hello World" window in the
list.  But the window does not show up on my display.

I've tried Win32::GUI v.558, v.99_ and v1.0.  I'm using ActivePerl
v5.8 and win2k pro.  Any ideas?


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