Thanks, I considered sequence of a call of methods. It works.

RM> Hi,

RM> Interestingly I was looking at this just yesterday.  The draw() method
RM> draws lines directly on the DC (device context), and for this to have
RM> any effect, the window must be visible.  So make sure you have called
RM> Show() on the window you want to draw on ...

RM> Also you will see that no re-paint is done automatically.  If you want
RM> to fix this, you'll need to call draw in a "Paint" event handler.

RM> Here's a quick sample that works here for me (Win98, WIn32::GUI::1.0,
RM> Perl 5.8.6)

RM> Rob.

RM> # Example of using Win32::GUI::GridLayout::draw()
RM> use strict;
RM> use warnings;
RM> use Win32::GUI;
RM> use Win32::GUI::GridLayout;

RM> my $grid;

RM> my $win = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
RM>   -title => "Show Grid Lines",
RM>   -size => [400,400],
RM>   -pos => [100,100],
RM>   -onPaint => sub { $grid->recalc(); $grid->draw() },
RM> );

RM> $grid = Win32::GUI::GridLayout->apply($win,3,3,0,0);

RM> Win32::GUI::Dialog();
RM> exit(0);

RM> Alexander Romanenko wrote:

>>I use Win32::GUI::GridLayout, but the method draw draws nothing.
>>I have Windows XP SP2.
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