At 01:35 2005-03-25, Gareth John wrote:
Is there any way to automatically pass all Events (e.g. _Click events, etc) through to the GUI object from the main perl script, or do I need to forget about implementing the GUI as a class/object and do it all in the main perl script?

That sounds a lot like how I thought when I started with Win32::GUI. But the programming model for Win32::GUI doesn't work quite like that.

Event handlers are either subs that follow the naming convention (i.e controlName_EventName), or if you are using the New Event Model (NEM) they are coderefs.

Note that you can fake method calls with closures, something like this:

my $self = MyGUI->new();
my $win = ... create window...
$win->AddButton (
    -name     => "Test",
    -text     => "Test",
    -events   => {
        Click => sub {
            #$self and $win are available here

It's not entirely pretty, but it may work for you.


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Johan Lindström    Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos   johanl AT

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