Is there anybody who can regist a event handler by using NotifyIcon::Change() 
method( Not by
 NotifyIcon's new() constructor, but by Change() )?
I have tried several times, but I always fail to regist.
Clicking NotifyIcon, no event occurs.

Looking "", NotifyIcon::Change() calls NotifyIcon::Modify() of 
At NotifyIcon::Modify(), there are lines like below:

    ZeroMemory(&nid, sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA));

    nid.cbSize = sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA);
    nid.hWnd = parent;

    ParseNotifyIconOptions(NOTXSCALL sp, mark, ax, items, 1, &nid);

I'm afraid some lines is short for NotifyIcon::Modify()?
Comparing with NotifyIcon::Add(), I guess these two lines are needed.

    nid.uCallbackMessage = WM_NOTIFYICON;
    SwitchBit(nid.uFlags, NIF_MESSAGE, 1);

Without these lines, nid.uCallbackMessage keeps zero, and a notice of messages 
on NotifyIcon
 is suprresed forever.
I suspect no event occurs when we use NotifyIcon::Change().


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