I'm having a problem with AxWindow throwing an error
when it quits.  I'm embedding the Microsoft Office
Document Imaging program into my app.  When my program
exits, i get a dialog box that reads:

The instruction at "xxxxxx" referenced memory  at
"xxxxxx".  The memory could not be "read".  Click OK
to terminate the program

Does anyone know how to track down why/where this
error is occurring?

The MODI control seems to be initialized properly and
working fine while the program is running.  Please
note that I am calling $Control->Release() as
mentioned in the AxWindow docs.

Here is a stripped down version of my code.  Please
note that MODI will only embed with Office 2003 or

(using perl 5.8, ax 0.07, win xp)

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::AxWindow;
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Const;

# main Window
$Window = new Win32::GUI::Window (
    -title    => "Win32::GUI::AxWindow test",
    -pos     => [100, 100],
    -size    => [400, 400],
    -name     => "Window",
) or die "new Window";

# Create AxWindow
$Control = new Win32::GUI::AxWindow  (
               -parent  => $Window,
               -name    => "Control",
               -pos     => [10, 10],
               -size    => [300, 300],
               -control => 'MiDocViewer.MiDocView',
 ) or die "new Control";

sub Window_Terminate {
  return -1;

If anyone knows where I should look to resolve this, I
would be extremely grateful.  Once I get this working,
I will submit some examples (and possibly a module)
showing how to play with MODI.



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