Thank you everyone for the replies to my Right Click problems, the issue 
is now solved.  However, I am having a couple more issues that I can not 
figure out how to get around.

The first issue is a known one, and it concerns a crash with RichEdit on 
1.0 when exiting the application.  I have created Global vars for the 
RichEdit controls, but I still get a crash on exit, so I'm not sure what 
i'm doing wrong.

The next issue concerns a couple buttons that I have created and when I go 
to click on them the program just hangs.  I tried adding a BusyTimer to 
make sure that the program was hanging and the BusyTimer stopped spewing 
out information, so I know it hung.

Anyway, I have included some code below in hopes that someone can help me 
fix these issues.  Please let me know if you need any more information and 
I will gladly include it.



--------------------------[ Begin Code ]------------------------------- 

use strict;

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::TabFrame;

my $mainwindow;

my $richedit_1;
my $richedit_2;


$mainwindow -> Show;


sub create_mainwindow  {
        my $windowheight = 400;
        my $windowwidth = 700;
        my $windowmenu;

        $windowmenu = Win32::GUI::MakeMenu (
                "Item &1"                               => "",
                " > SubItem &1"                         => 
                " > SubItem &2"                         => 
                " > SubItem &3"                         => 
                " > -"                                  => 0,
                " > E&xit"                              => "AppExit",
                "Item &2"                               => "",
                " > SubItem &1"                         => 

        $mainwindow = Win32::GUI::Window -> new (
                -name           => "Main",
                -width          => $windowwidth,
                -height         => $windowheight,
                -title          => "Main Window",
                -menu           => $windowmenu,

        $mainwindow -> AddStatusBar (
                -name           => "StatusBar"

        $mainwindow -> AddTreeView (
                -text           => "",
                -name           => "TreeView",
                -left           => -1,
                -top            => -1,
                -rootlines      => 1,
                -buttons        => 1,

        $mainwindow -> AddTabFrame (
                -name           => "TabFrame",
                -panel          => "TabPage",
                -tabstop        => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> InsertItem (
                -text           => "Tab1",
                -border         => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> InsertItem (
                -text           => "Tab2",
                -border         => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> InsertItem (
                -text           => "Tab3",
                -border         => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> InsertItem (
                -text           => "Tab4",
                -border         => 1,

        $richedit_1 = $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage0 -> AddRichEdit (
                -name           => "RichEdit1",
                -multiline      => 1,
                -vscroll        => 1,
                -hscroll        => 1,
                -readonly       => 1,

        $richedit_2 = $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage1 -> AddRichEdit (
                -name           => "RichEdit2",
                -multiline      => 1,
                -vscroll        => 1,
                -readonly       => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> AddListView (
                -name           => "ListView1",
                -style          => WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | 1,
                -fullrowselect  => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ListView1 -> InsertColumn (
                -index          => 0,
                -width          => 220,
                -text           => "Column 1",

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ListView1 -> InsertColumn (
                -index          => 1,
                -width          => 220,
                -text           => "Column 2",

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> AddButton (
                -name           => "Button1",
                -text           => "Button 1",
                -default        => 1,
                -tabstop        => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> AddButton (
                -name           => "Button2",
                -text           => "Button 2",
                -tabstop        => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> AddListView (
                -name           => "ListView2",
                -style          => WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | 1,
                -fullrowselect  => 1,

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> ListView2 -> InsertColumn (
                -index          => 0,
                -width          => 125,
                -text           => "Column1",

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> ListView2 -> InsertColumn (
                -index          => 1,
                -width          => 50,
                -text           => "Column2",

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> ListView2 -> InsertColumn (
                -index          => 2,
                -width          => 200,
                -text           => "Column3",

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> ListView2 -> InsertColumn (
                -index          => 3,
                -width          => 200,
                -text           => "Column4",

        $mainwindow -> {-dialogui} = 1;


sub Button1_Click  {

        print "DEBUG - Button 1 was Clicked\n";


sub Button2_Click  {

        print "DEBUG - Button 2 was Clicked\n";


sub AppExit_Click  {



sub Main_Terminate  {

        $mainwindow -> Hide();

        exit 0;


sub Main_Resize  {
        my $windowheight = $mainwindow -> ScaleHeight();
        my $windowwidth = $mainwindow -> ScaleWidth();
        my $treeview_width = 200;

        $mainwindow -> TreeView -> Move (0, 0);
        $mainwindow -> TreeView -> Resize ($treeview_width, $windowheight 
- $mainwindow -> StatusBar -> ScaleHeight);

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> Move ($treeview_width, 0);
        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> Resize ($windowwidth - $treeview_width, 
$windowheight - $mainwindow -> StatusBar -> ScaleHeight);

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage0 -> RichEdit1 -> Move (0, 0);
        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage0 -> RichEdit1 -> Resize 
($mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage0 -> ScaleWidth, $mainwindow -> 
TabFrame -> TabPage0 -> ScaleHeight);

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage1 -> RichEdit2 -> Move (0, 0);
        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage1 -> RichEdit2 -> Resize 
($mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage0 -> ScaleWidth, $mainwindow -> 
TabFrame -> TabPage0 -> ScaleHeight);

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ListView1 -> Move (0, 0);
        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ListView1 -> Resize 
($mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ScaleWidth, $mainwindow -> 
TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ScaleHeight - 40 );
        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> Button1 -> Move 
($mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ScaleWidth / 2 - 70, $mainwindow 
-> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ScaleHeight - 30);
        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> Button2 -> Move 
($mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ScaleWidth / 2 , $mainwindow -> 
TabFrame -> TabPage2 -> ScaleHeight - 30);

        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> ListView2 -> Move (0, 0);
        $mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> ListView2 -> Resize 
($mainwindow -> TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> ScaleWidth, $mainwindow -> 
TabFrame -> TabPage3 -> ScaleHeight);

        $mainwindow -> StatusBar -> Move (0, $windowheight - $mainwindow 
-> StatusBar -> Height);
        $mainwindow -> StatusBar -> Resize ($windowwidth, $mainwindow -> 
StatusBar -> Height);


--------------------------[ End Code ]------------------------------- 

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