Firstly I am new to the group and I am not a programmer, more of a
technical user. I am trying to create an active x control that will
eventually be used in several applications. I have a problem the basic
control function itself. Below is my code for the basic construction of
the gdll. I have made a container program for it using Axwindow and I
want to call the display with a method $Control->CallMethod("display");
Where display is my function from the dll. However I cannot get the
display window to show in my container. The only way it will Is if I put
a call to the display function inside the dll. Then the window shows as
soon as the AXcontrol is made.
I suspect something is wrong with my dll program. Please see below. Any
help or pointers would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Mike McMahon
package Mike;

use strict;
use Win32;
require Win32::GUI;

my $Width = 200;
my $Height = 200;
my $Left   = 5;
my $Top    = 30;

my $main;
#display();  unhash this line and the window will show in my container.

sub display {

  my $Class_02 = new Win32::GUI::Class(
   -name    => "sub_class",
   -color   => 5,);

   $main = Win32::GUI::DialogBox->new(
      -name   => "Main",
      -text   => "test",
      -width  => $Width,
      -height => $Height,
      -top    => $Top,
      -left   => $Left,
      -helpbutton => 0,
      -dialogui => 1,
      -topmost  =>1,
      -class       => $Class_02,
      -popstyle    => 0xC00000,
      -pushstyle   => 0x40000000,
      -interactive => 1,
      -onMouseRightDown => \&MouseRightDw,);

   return ($main->Show());


=begin PerlCtrl

    %TypeLib = (
        PackageName     => 'Mike',

        # DO NOT edit the next 3 lines.
        TypeLibGUID     => '{E91B25C6-2B15-11D2-B466-0800365DA902}',
        ControlGUID     => '{E91B25C7-2B15-11D2-B466-0800365DA902}',
        DispInterfaceIID=> '{E91B25C8-2B15-11D2-B466-0800365DA902}',

        ControlName     => 'Gui Control',
        ControlVer      => 1,
        ProgID          => 'Mike.Gui',
        DefaultMethod   => '',

        Methods         => {
            'display' => {
                    RetType             =>  VT_BSTR,,
                    TotalParams         =>  0,
                    NumOptionalParams   =>  0,
                    ParamList           =>[ ]
            },  # end of 'Methods'

        Properties      => {
            ,  # end of 'Properties'
        );  # end of %TypeLib

=end PerlCtrl


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