Hi Jeremy

Thanks for that. I would have tried the text stuff myself, but I am away from home and my code for a while. I`ll go take a look at the drawing examples as well.


Jeremy White wrote:

OK, almost newbie question. (Quickly writing this in between doing my real job). I need to be able to put text into my window (easy enough) but update the text on a regular basis. If I update the text, and over write it in exactly the same position as before (but with different text), does it clear a bounding box around the text, or will it just over write the existing text, and make a mess?

It will clear the bounding box first.

Also, and moving on slightly, can anyone point me at a web resource that explains how I would draw graphics and insert bitmaps into a win32 window?

There are a few samples in the example folder that show how to do this.



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