There is a flag in perl to force autoflush on a pipe stream (which a
socket is handled as such), which can be set by, I believe,
$socket->autoflush(1); Give it a whirl, and be sure to check the
IO::Socket Man page.

Jason P. 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Steve Loughran
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 12:29 PM
Subject: [perl-win32-gui-users] slightly off topic: flushing TCP

Sorry for the slightly off topic post, but I cant think of a better
bunch of people to ask :) Yes, I have googled for this, and tried the
options I found, but I am still getting no results...

I have a TCP network connection between client and server which is
working fine, but I am unable to get the connection to autoflush the
data being sent by the client. If I close the connection, the "queued" 
data gets flushed to the server before the connection is closed.

Anyone got any quick pointers as to how to get the connection to

Many thanks for this off topic question.


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