On 08/02/2008, Perl Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is Win32::GUI() capable of creating a marquee-style progress bar for
> indicating activity instead of overall progress?

Yes, it's possible.  It will only work on WinXP and later, as it
requires the (non-distributable) ComCtl32.dll V6 and above.

(1) You need perl to use a manifest to request to use the v6
ComCtl32.dll.  The easiest way to do this is to drop a manifest file
into you perl bin/ directory (the diretory containing your perl.exe.
I'll attach the manifest file I use.  It must be named
perl.exe.manifest (with the perl.exe part changed if you have a perl
executable by a different name)

(2) You need to add the PMS_MARQUEE style to the progress bar. See code below.

As an aside I notice that all the PBS_ and PBM_ constants are missing
from Win32::GUI::Constants - I'll add them for the next release.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI 1.05 qw(CW_USEDEFAULT);
sub PBS_MARQUEE() {0x08}

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
    -title => 'WinXP Marquee Progress Bar',
    -left  => CW_USEDEFAULT,
    -size  => [200,150],

my $pb = $mw->AddProgressBar(
    -pos  => [10,10],
    -size => [150,22],
    -addstyle => PBS_MARQUEE,

$mw->AddTimer('T1', 300);


sub T1_Timer {

Attachment: perl.exe.manifest
Description: Binary data

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