
I'm a Win32::GUI newbie who went through the tutorials the other night:

and was shocked to see:

1.  No "use strict" nor "use warnings".

2.  The scripts used global variables to pass around references to the
windows, controls, etc..

3.  There were no sender or eventargs arguments.  (Not even a $self
arg?)  RTFM, I don't see them either.

Am I missing something?  I was looking for an OO GUI toolkit in Perl.  I
intend to build an application that will feature pop-up forms for
editing objects persisted in a database.  My idea is to create a class
and a table for each object type.  The class includes a method to create
and display a window for editing that type of object.  When the user
needs to create/ edit an object, I create an object, stuff it/ get it
stuffed with data, and/or create/ display the editor window.  The user
may have many such windows open at the same time, including multiple
windows from the same class.  When the user interacts with the windows
and controls, the event handlers need to be able to find the right
object.  Microsoft's "sender" argument solves this need nicely.
Microsoft's "eventargs" argument solves other needs nicely.  Does
Win32::GUI have equivalents?



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