I have been trying to understand how to get the -name of a button that was 
clicked by the -onClick event, at the subroutine.

I have read the win32::Gui docs over and over, read several post here and 
elsewhere, but I still don't get it yet. :)
Please bear with me, I am trying to learn, but you know how that goes. You 
don't get it and then all of a sudden it's all perfectly clear and you wonder 
why you thought it was that difficult to begin with. My brain seems to work 
really well by looking at working examples and then figuring out how things 
work, but I haven't found a written working example of this on the web so far 
and I didn't see an example in the win32::gui folders in my perl install.

Anywho. here is what I have, please be gentle :)

I am creating a bunch of buttons on the fly from an array that is read from a 
All the buttons go to the same subroutine
At the subroutine I want to know the -name of the button that was pressed and 
then go from there once I know the button -name.
I have no problem getting all the buttons to display and go to the sub, the 
code all seems to work fine.

Here's the basics of the button code and the button onClick sub
$Main is my window
$ButtonName comes from an array using a foreach loop and is a unique name
$ButtonNumber comes from an array and is a unique name but not the same as 

### create buttons ###########################################
$ButtonNumber = new Win32::GUI::Button($Main,
-name => "$ButtonName",
-tip => "$ButtonName",
-pos => [$posX, $posY],
-size => [15, 15],
-onClick => 'Button_Clicked',

### sub that all buttons go to ###
sub Button_Clicked{

?????????????????????????? get button -name here. :P

$Main->Status3->Text("$ButtonName");## display button name in status bar

I have read this a million times but don't understand how to proceed.
"The first parameter passed to the subroutine is a reference to the object on 
which the event occured."
That's where I am lost, how exactly do I get the first parameter (-name) in the 
form of a scalar?
Can anyone help me with a bit of code in where my question marks are so I can 
get a handle on this and stop pulling out my hair. :)

Thanks so much for any assistance
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