Good timing.  I just went through getting that to work.  This code 
fragment might help you, it's straight from my app.  Your mileage (and 
options and variables and etc) may vary.  This isn't a complete app 
obviously, but I think this is all that's relevant to wheel scrolling.  
The $dy global is how much to scroll on each well detente, and 
$lastscrollpos is a global for holding the last position.  I hope the 
rest is self-explanatory.  Season to taste.

use Win32::GUI qw(WM_MOUSEWHEEL);
my $scrollapi = new Win32::API('user32', 'ScrollWindow', ['N', 'I', 'I', 
'P', 'P'], 'N') or die "Can't load ScrollWindow API";

my $main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(-name => "Main"
                                   , -text => "Main Window"
                                   , -size => [$main_w, $main_h]
                                   , -hasmaximize => 0
                                   , -dialogui => 1
                                   , -onTerminate => \&terminatemain);

$main->Hook(WM_MOUSEWHEEL, \&domousewheel);

my $scrollwindow = Win32::GUI::Window->new(-name =>"scrollwindow"
                                           , -parent => $main
                                           , -pos => [$sw_x, $sw_y]
                                           , -size => [$sw_h, $sw_w]
                                           , -dialogui => 1
                                           , -tabstop => 1
                                           , -vscroll => 1
                                           , -titlebar => 0
                                           , -sizeable => 0
                                           , -controlparent => 1
                                           , -pushstyle => WS_CHILD
                                           , -pushstyle => WS_VSCROLL
                                           , -popstyle => WS_THICKFRAME
                                           , -onScroll => \&doscroll);

$scrollwindow->Hook(WM_MOUSEWHEEL, \&domousewheel);

# create whatever controls or subwindows go inside the scrolling area 
here, as children of $scrollwindow

sub domousewheel {
  my ($object, $wParam, $lParam, $type, $msgcode) = @_;
  my $distance = makesignedshort(($wParam & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
  my $buttons = makesignedshort($wParam & 0x0000FFFF);
  my $y =makesignedshort(($lParam & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
  my $x = makesignedshort($lParam & 0x0000FFFF);
  my $isdropped = $object->SendMessage(CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0);
  return 1 if $isdropped;
  if (0 < $distance) {
    scrollmebro(-(2*$dy), 0);
  } elsif (0 > $distance) {
    scrollmebro(2*$dy, 0);
  return 0;

sub scrollmebro {
  my ($offset, $newpos) = @_;
  my $curpos = $scrollwindow->ScrollPos(SB_VERT);
  my ($min, $max) = $scrollwindow->ScrollRange(SB_VERT);
  my $pos;
  if ($offset) {
    $pos = $curpos + $offset;
  } elsif ($newpos) {
    $pos = $newpos;
  if (defined $pos) {
    $pos = 0 if 0 > $pos;
    $pos = $max if $max < $pos;
    $scrollwindow->ScrollPos(SB_VERT, $pos);
    my $deltapos = $lastscrollpos - $pos;
    $scrollapi->Call($scrollwindow->{-handle}, 0, $deltapos, 0, 0);
    $lastscrollpos = $pos;

Waldemar Biernacki wrote:
> Hey everybode!
> Do you know whether mouse scrolling button is implemented in Win32::GUI and 
> how? 
> Waldemar
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