When I first set out to add a BS_COMMANDLINK style button to my GUI I
didn't know how hard it was going to be and how many pitfalls I would
encounter.  As a result of about two days of poking around I finally
figured out how to get it all working.  If you're new to all of this it
wasn't obvious how to do it.

I hope this helps anyone getting started with Win32::GUI to do some more
advanced things.  If this is the wrong place for this, please let me know.

My System and Perl setup:
ActiveState Perl (32-bit installed from MSI installer using
all defaults)
Win32::GUI 1.06
Windows 7 (64-bit but that shouldn't matter)

1. The perl.exe has to be "patched" to add a resource to it.  This
resource is the manifest file that tells perl to use the newer Common
Controls available in Windows Vista and Windows 7

1a. NOTE: This is a very important step as the BS_COMMANDLINK style will
not work and you will see a blank where the button should be and when you
click you will see a checkbox appear where the far left side of the button
should've been.

1b. Create a text file with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="X86"
name="Perl" type="win32" />
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
processorArchitecture="X86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*" />

1c. Download Resource Hacker from here:  http://angusj.com/resourcehacker/
1d. Open ResHacker.exe
1e. File -> Open
1f. Select the perl binary from perlinstalldir\bin\perl.exe
1g. Action -> Add a New Resource
1h. Click "Open file with new resource"
1i. Select the file you created in Step 1b
1j. In Resource Type enter: 24
1k. In Resource Name enter: 1
1l. In Resrouce Language enter: 1033
1m. Click "Add Resource"
1n. File -> Save
1o. Exit Resource Hacker

2. Now for a code sample to display the button:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI qw(

my $hex_BCM_SETNOTE = "0x00001609";
# You could use a constant here instead
my $BCM_SETNOTE = cnvtHex2Int($hex_BCM_SETNOTE);
my $hex_BS_COMMANDLINK = "0x0000000E";
# You could use a constant here instead

my $winMain = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
        -name => 'winMain',
        -text => "Main Window",
        -height => 300,
        -width =>  300,

my $btn1 = $winMain->AddButton(
        -name => 'btn1',
        -text => 'This is the larger text on the top',
        -align => 'left',
        -left => 30,
        -top => 30,
        -height => 100,
        -width => 200,
        -tabstop => 1,
        # This popstyle may not be necessary
        -popstyle => BS_PUSHBUTTON | BS_LEFT,
        # This is critical to getting the command link style button
        -pushstyle => $BS_COMMANDLINK,

my $btn1_Note_ASCIItxt = "This is the smaller text below";

# This converts the ASCII txt string to a null terminated WCHAR string
# The BCM_SETNOTE message requires that it be in this format
my $btn1_Note_utf16null = pack "S*", unpack( "C*", $btn1_Note_ASCIItxt ), 0;

# This sets the text that is below the larger bolded text in a command link
# Command Links on MSDN
#   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb775947(VS.85).aspx
# Or just search MSDN for BS_COMMANDLINK
# If you are curious about how SendMessage works, search the Win32 GUI site
# BCM_SETNOTE is the message type that allows for setting the lower text
my $ret = Win32::GUI::SendMessage($btn1, $BCM_SETNOTE, 0,


# Convert a Hex number to an Integer
# You get Hex values from msdn.microsoft.com for
#  various styles, messages, etc.
sub cnvtHex2Int {
        my ($hex) = @_;
        my $oct = oct($hex) if $hex =~ /^0/;
        my $int = int $oct;
        return $int;

That's it.  Now you have a window with a Command Link.

This method can be used for the other button styles that are not included
with Win32::GUI as well.

Good luck!

You can ask questions here:  perlwin32...@joshuanew.com

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="X86" name="Perl" 
type="win32" />
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" 
processorArchitecture="X86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*" />
use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI qw(

my $hex_BCM_SETNOTE = "0x00001609";
# You could use a constant here instead
my $BCM_SETNOTE = cnvtHex2Int($hex_BCM_SETNOTE);
my $hex_BS_COMMANDLINK = "0x0000000E";
# You could use a constant here instead

my $winMain = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
        -name => 'winMain',
        -text => "Main Window",
        -height => 300,
        -width =>  300,

my $btn1 = $winMain->AddButton( 
        -name => 'btn1',
        -text => 'This is the larger text on the top',
        -align => 'left',
        -left => 30,
        -top => 30,
        -height => 100,
        -width => 200,
        -tabstop => 1,
        # This popstyle may not be necessary
        -popstyle => BS_PUSHBUTTON | BS_LEFT,
        # This is critical to getting the command link style button
        -pushstyle => $BS_COMMANDLINK,

my $btn1_Note_ASCIItxt = "This is the smaller text below";

# This converts the ASCII txt string to a null terminated WCHAR string
# The BCM_SETNOTE requires that it be in this format
my $btn1_Note_utf16null = pack "S*", unpack( "C*", $btn1_Note_ASCIItxt ), 0;

# This sets the text that is below the larger bolded text in a command link
# Command Links on MSDN
#   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb775947(VS.85).aspx
# Or just search MSDN for BS_COMMANDLINK
# If you are curious about how SendMessage works, search the Win32 GUI site
# BCM_SETNOTE is the message type that allows for setting the lower text
my $ret = Win32::GUI::SendMessage($btn1, $BCM_SETNOTE, 0, $btn1_Note_utf16null);


# Convert a Hex number to an Integer
# You get Hex values from msdn.microsoft.com for
#  various styles, messages, etc.
sub cnvtHex2Int {
        my ($hex) = @_;
        my $oct = oct($hex) if $hex =~ /^0/;
        my $int = int $oct;
        return $int;
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