> Hello!
> I have a question: How to improve refreshing speed?

As a first step, try a profiler to see where your code is spending most of its 
try Devel-NYTProf:
(make sure you use the latest version from cpan)
This profiler works well with Win32::GUI. With a bit of luck you'll find a 
couple of simple hotspots that once fixed will give the speed increase you are 
If that fails, then you you'll need to draw the labels and text in a graphic 
control (using an offscreen DC, then bitblting the result to the screen DC). 
This will give you a big leap in performance, but am not sure how it would fit 
into your existing code.
> Problem is as follows: I refresh labels and textfields very offen in table 
> views. The refreshing consists of changing mainly background, but also  
> foreground, fontsize etc. The way I am doing it is using 
> $object->Change( @parameters )
> function which is encapsulated in my Refresh(...) function (this function is 
> copied later on). As you can see the Change method is the main part of the 
> Refresh function.
> Because there is many such refreshings the user fills some slowness. Is it 
> possible in a relatively simple way to replace this Change function with some 
> other which would be closer (and therefore faster) to Windows system graphics?
> Waldemar

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