Dnia środa, 23 marca 2011 o 13:46:46 Jeremy White napisał(a):
> > Probably I am mixing something. I wrote another variant of the script: >
> > test.pl:> ##########################################> #!/usr/bin/perl
> > -w> use strict;> use warnings;> use Win32::GUI qw();> my $i = 0;
> Ok:) as soon as I saw your code, I can see the problem...The problem is:
> -background=>0xff00ffComment out those lines and you'll have no memory or
> GDI leak...checkout this bug report on
> sourceforge:http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2864551&group_
> id=16572&atid=116572A while back I did try and fix this bug as I had the
> same problem, but didn't find a quick fix (it's in XS/C not perl). If
> possible, could you add your example to this bug report as someone might
> fix it for the next release of Win32::GUI (several people have been hit by
> this bug, and in your case it's fatal).As a work around, I draw the
> text/background manually - which worked well in my case (as text
> fields/labels wasn't the right design approach). Not sure if that could
> work for you...Cheers,Jeremy.

OK. Thank you very much! Now I know more and l lost the ilusion that something 
can be simple. But:

1. Stil my first example couses leak of memory in Perl 5.10 - I've just did it: 
after few hundred iterations it has took 250MB RAM - so it is another problem. 
You do - from this point of view - rightly working in Perl 5.8 version.

2. The problem of the background color is a serious one and nobody seems to 
workout it in a reasonable time horizon. It is a very, very bad news for me 
because one of the main method of my application is to inform a user about 
meaning of different numbers with differen by colors (which in turn can be 
defined by people themself). He he, I even did textfield's borders in color. 
Without all the color staff the applications will not be so talkative as they 
are now.

Thank you for your help and comments!
I thing the thread can be close.


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