On 24.03.2011 10:36, Jeremy White wrote:
> Hi,
> Cool - do some major testing with your app, and if things are still OK,
> the fix (well, a version of it) will get committed to CVS.

I committed the changes to fix the -background option GDI object leak.

I also added a -backgroundbrush option, which can be used instead of 
-background if you are creating a huge number of windows with the same 

eg. instead of:

$window->AddLabel( -background => 0xff00ff, ... );

you can do this:

use Win32::GUI::Constants;
my $brush = Win32::GUI::Brush->new(
     -style => BS_SOLID,
     -color => 0xff00ff,
$window->AddLabel( -backgroundbrush => $brush, ... );

this way you can effectively use the same $brush for several windows and 
avoid creating too much GDI objects. (of course you have to take care 
that $brush remains in scope, otherwise you may get errors or funny 
looking windows).

the changes will be available with the next release of Win32::GUI.


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