On 31.08.2010 01:12, Hulley, Rob (APJ GCC Storage TPM) wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am using “Win32::GUI::BrowseForFolder” .
> I cannot work out how to add the “create new” option as seen on other
> “browse for folder” windows.
> Is this feature available?


I just added two options to the BrowseForFolder function:

-newui => 0/1 (default 0)
     use the "new" user interface (which has a "New folder" button)
-nonewfolder => 0/1 (default 0)
     hides the "New folder" button (only meaningful with -newui => 1)

those will be available with the next release of Win32::GUI. or if you 
don't want to wait, you can checkout the cvs and build Win32::GUI 
yourself :-)


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