Thank you both for your help, it's working now.
I changed from label to Textfield  and used "\r\n" instead of just "\n",
and now multilines is working.

However, I have encountered another issue...
I am parsing a text file with mixed English and Hebrew letters.
When I try to display Hebrew text in a window, I get "Gibberish". On the
CMD I can print Hebrew, but not in the window of win32::GUI. I have tried
to encode to utf8, but that didn't help.
What can I do to display Hebrew properly on the window?


2017-11-10 11:17 GMT+02:00 Aldo Calpini <>:

> On 10/11/17 07:55, Oshri Shomrony wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using perl 5.24 with win32::GUI.
>> I would like to open a window and display on it multiple lines taken from
>> an array.
>> I would also like it to be scrollable in case the window is smaller than
>> the text size.
>> for some reason, using "\n" doesn't work in AddLabel at all - the text
>> after the \n is not displayed.
>> How can I display multiple lines in a window?
> hi,
> what you want is a Textfield (not Label) object, with -multiline => 1. and
> note, newline is "\r\n".
> documentation is here: http://perl-win32-gui.sourcefo
> hope this helps.
> cheers,
> Aldo
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