Hello members of the list,

I'm a newbie in using Win32::GUI.

I wanted to use the package at CPAN (1.14) because the one currently available as a ppm (I have ActiveState 5.22 64bits) is only 1.12 and does not have the grid sub package. (both at activestate and bribes)

I tried to compile the CPAN tar.gz module (using A.S. cpan compile mechanism -- gcc + dmake -- even forcing the BUILDENV to cygwin at scertain parts of the process) but faced two problems : first the grid module requires MSVC and second it only compiles (according to the error messages) in 32 bits. I could easily downgrade from 64 to 32 but as ActiveState compiler is a minimal gcc it would not help so much.

I was wondering : IS THERE A ppm repository somewehere WITH THE W32::GUI module compiled under a ppm format IN VERSION 1.14 ?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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