A wrote:
> HI,
> Can you please help me and let me know how I can print output 
> from the program, line by line?
> Example
> I have the following  program and would like to have
> all 1000 numbers printed in the textfield. But I receive all numbers 
> on the same line.

this is really strange. you should receive only the last number

> [...]
> for $i(1..1000)
> {
>  $Win->Results_tab3->Text("$i \r\n");
> #This needed to be printed        
> #one  by one on new line. Is it possible?
>  }
> [...]

change this to:

    $text = "";
    for $i (1..1000) {
        $text .= "$i \r\n";

the Text() method replaces the text in the control, does not add to
it. and for better performance, you should first prepare the text
in a Perl variable, then set the control content once :-)


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