Hmmm, Any hints on how to use this with a firewall proxy situation? I fooled around with it for a while last night, but couldn't get it working. The proxy information I have is What I tried was: sub fetch_headlines { my @D; $proxy=""; #proxy-name $port="80"; #proxy-port (seems to work better with 80 than with 8080) ($sockaddr,$there,$response,$tries) = ("Snc4x8"); $there = pack($sockaddr,2,$port, &getaddress($proxy)); ($a, $b, $c, $d) = unpack('C4', $inet); $proto = (getprotobyname ('tcp'))[2]; if (!socket(S,AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$proto)){ &error("$0: Fatal Socket-Error. $!\n"); } if (!connect(S,$there)){ &error("$0: Fatal proxy-connect-Error. $!\n"); } select(S); . . . This _seems_ to work, but I still get no info returned in the Win32 dialog box... Any hints appreciated, Shawn Joe Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 2000/05/03 08:55:23 [EMAIL PROTECTED]に返信してください 宛先: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: (bcc: Atlas21 Shawn/OIPQA/Canon Inc/JP) 件名: [perl-win32-gui] Slashdot headline grabber

Here's a small Win32::GUI app I wrote to download headlines from Slashdot every
30 minutes. (If you're wondering why I used instead of LWP::Simple
it's because it saved me around 200 megabytes on the compiled version of the



# Slashdot Headline Grabber for Win32
# by Joe Stewart

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::Shell;
use Socket;

my $count;
my %stories;
my @keys;

my $maxsize = ([400,42]);
my $minsize = ([200,42]);
my $main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(-name => 'Main',
                                    -text => 'Slashdot Headlines',
                                    -width => 275,
                                    -height => 42,
                                    -maxsize => $maxsize,
                                    -minsize => $minsize);

my $label = new Win32::GUI::Label($main,
                                    -text => "Downloading Headlines...",
                                    -name => "Url",
                                    -width => 350,
                                    -height => 42,
                                    -left => 40,
                                    -notify => 1);

my $button_back = new Win32::GUI::Button($main,
                                    -text => "<",
                                    -name => "Back",
                                    -width => 15,
                                    -left => 0,
                                    -height => 15);

my $button_fwd = new Win32::GUI::Button($main,
                                    -text => ">",
                                    -name => "Fwd",
                                    -width => 15,
                                    -left => 15,
                                    -height => 15);


my $Cycle = $main->AddTimer("Cycle", 10000);
my $Reload = $main->AddTimer("Reload", 1800000);



my $inet = inet_aton('');
my $proto=getprotobyname('tcp');




sub Main_Terminate {

sub Fwd_Click {
 $count = 0 if $count == scalar(@keys);

sub Back_Click {
 $count = scalar(@keys) - 1 if $count == -1;

sub Url_DblClick {
  my $url = $keys[$count];
  Win32::Shell::Execute("open", $url, undef, undef, "SW_SHOWNORMAL");
  return 1;

sub fetch_headlines {
  my @D;
  socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$proto) || return 0;
  if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,80,$inet)) {
    print "GET /slashdot.xml HTTP/1.0\n\n";
  } else { return 0 }

  my ($title, $url);

  for (@D) {
    $title = $1 if /\<title\>(.*)\<\/title\>/;
    $url = $1 if /\<url\>(.*)\<\/url\>/;

    if (/<\/story>/) {
      $stories{$url} = $title;
      push(@keys, $url);
      $title = "";
      $url = "";
  return 1;

sub Cycle_Timer {
  return 1;

sub Reload_TImer {
  return 1;

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