> ----------
> From:         David Hiltz[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:         Tuesday, March 9, 1999 3:53 AM
> Subject:      Re: [perl-win32-gui] Options and Checkboxes
> > I'm a relative newbie to Win32::GUI. I've hacked my way through most of examples
> > to get almost everything I need, but I'm now hitting a brick wall trying to
> > figure out checkboxes. Does anyone know where I can find reference to %options
> > that is scattered throughout the documentation, as I think this is all I need.
> > 
> > Win32::GUI is excellent, especially for a beta. I've tried out Tk as well, but I
> > prefer the flexibilty of Win32::GUI.
>   I think Tk/Perl is just as flexable if not more than Win32:GUI and it's
>   well documented.  The reason I'm using Win32::GUI is that I like the
>   native look of Windows more than X-Windows.  Microsoft did a nice job
>   designing the GUI in Windows.  Also, my users are comfortable with Windows
>   widgets and introducting an Xwindows lookandfeel would only confused them.
>   That's my reasons.
> I think the Timers are broken in TK/Perl for Win32 which makes it unusable in alot 
>of cases for me.
> Following up hte other point. Of course TK is more polished at this point. It has 
>been around alot longer.
> Kind of strange that the timers are broken though. Makes you wonder who is in charge 
>of testing
> those things.  However given its newness it isn't very suprising that there is 
>little or no documentation.
just my 2 cents,


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