> Behalf Of O'Malley, Bryan T.
> I really need some feedback on whether anyone has success with DBD-Oracle
> 1.06 and DBI 1.14 used in conjunction with PERL build 618 on Windows 2000
> server USING ORACLE 8i (version 8.1.6) client software (sqlnet).
> If this is the wrong forum to pose this question, please refer me to the
> correct one.
> The perl script I use worked fine with NT 4.0, and Oracle 8.05 client
> software.
> The error message I get is:
> DBI->connect(OEM) failed: Error while trying to retrieve text for error
> ORA-03121 (DBD: login failed) at export_prj.pl line 71
> Unabe to connect to OEM: Error while trying to retrieve text for error
> ORA-03121 (DBD: login failed)
> Since I did a new install of Perl 5.6 , and PDK 2.0 on Win 2000 and then
> used PPM to install DBI and DBD-Oracle, I think a relink with the current
> versions had to of taken place.

I presume you tried RaiseError, so you already know this isn't a simple
connection failure.

I believe there was a suggestion just last week that DBD::Oracle from
ActiveState for 5.6 was built using Oracle 7 (or at least OCI 7, I am not
quite sure when the OCI upgrade occurred.)

If that is the problem...

Possible Solutions:
        You can build DBD::Oracle yourself.

        Use DBD::ODBC

        Wait for ActiveState to put a new
        version up.

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