
I have a problem with autoflush. Platform is Windows NT 4 / sp6.

I use the following code:

$command = 'executable.exe param1 ';    #option 1
# $command = 'DIR C:\ /S';              #option 2
open (PIPE, "$command |");
$| = 1;
while (<PIPE>){

If I use line with (option 2) the output does not get buffered as expected.
If I use line with (option 1) the output of the executable is buffered.

If I execute the line "executable.exe param1" on the DOS prompt 
the oputput is produced immediately.
I tried both autoflush PIPE and select((select(PIPE), $| = 1)[0]) commands,
I even print out the value of $| during execution, it is set to 1.

What am I doing wrong?

| Mark Zvolanek
| +612 9227 0479

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