On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Alloun, Jonathan wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to search an array and chop it up based on finding a search pattern.
> For example:
> @a = "date=12.10.2000"
> if (@a =~ /"date"/) {
>    print("\nFound date in @a!\n");
> }
> But Perl does not find date enven though it is in the array????
> What is the best way to search for a string and move just part of that
> string to another array (for use later)????

You don't assign a string (i.e. a scalar) to an array. You can either
assign it to another simple scalar variable or you assign it to an
element of an array, e.g. $a[0] = "date=12.10.2000";

**** [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Carl Jolley>
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