Alloun, Jonathan wrote:
> Is there a module out there that will compare two dates??

Probably. There's tons of Date modules out there. Maybe Date::Calc or

> For example: (date format is dd mm yyyy)
> I have one date in a file: 10 12 2000
> and another passed into the script which I have formatted as 
> 11 12 2000
> I need to check that the date in the file is less than the 
> one passed into the script??

You could convert each date to seconds since the epoch with
Time::Local::timelocal. Probably better than loading a big ol' multi-purpose
date module.

    #!perl -w
    use strict;
    use Time::Local;

    sub makesecs ($) {
        my($d, $m, $y) = shift =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/;
        $y -= 1900;
        $m -= 1;
        return timelocal 0, 0, 12, $d, $m, $y;

    my $filedate   = '10 12 2000';
    my $scriptdate = '11 12 2000';
    my $filesecs   = makesecs($filedate);
    my $scriptsecs = makesecs($scriptdate);
    if($filesecs < $scriptsecs) {
        print "File date is earlier.\n";
    } else {
        print "File date is later.\n";

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