Nikola Knezevic wrote:
> Dana 30.01.01, Paul Popour napisa:
> > > > But, what to do if there are more file-upload fields???
> > > > Simple solution is to repeat above algorhythm for every file. No so
> > > > elegant... Is there a better way to accomplish the same thing????
> > I believe the proper format for multi-file attachments in Mail::Sender is
> > $output = "$file1, $file2, $file3";
> >  ref ($sender = new Mail::Sender({from => $from,
> >  smtp => $smtp})) or die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
> >  (ref ($sender->MailFile({to =>$recipients, subject => $subject,  msg =>
> > $msg,  file => $output }))
> >    and print "Mail sent OK.\n") or die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
> >  }
> OK, I know that. But the problem is (once more):
> CGI passes file-handle to file that is uploaded (and I expect it isn't on
> the systems' file-system. Mail::Sender expects filename. How to connect
> these two?? Option is to create tempfile, flush from the filehandle to
> tempfile and finally add that file to message. Then, repeat this for every
> file. (message than has mult attachments). But, I want to skip 'flush from
> filehandle to tempfile' and pass FH directly to Mail::Sender::SendFile.

        $tmpfilename = $cgi->tmpFileName($filename);

should get you the temp filename that CGI used.

> BTW, is there some module for creating temp files. (something like mk_temp
> in linux)???


  How do I make a temporary file name?

    Use the `new_tmpfile' class method from the IO::File module to get a
    filehandle opened for reading and writing. Use this if you don't need to
    know the file's name.

        use IO::File;
        $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile()
            or die "Unable to make new temporary file: $!";

    Or you can use the `tmpnam' function from the POSIX module to get a
    filename that you then open yourself. Use this if you do need to know
    the file's name.

        use Fcntl;
        use POSIX qw(tmpnam);

        # try new temporary filenames until we get one that didn't already
        # exist;  the check should be unnecessary, but you can't be too careful
        do { $name = tmpnam() }
            until sysopen(FH, $name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL);

        # install atexit-style handler so that when we exit or die,
        # we automatically delete this temporary file
        END { unlink($name) or die "Couldn't unlink $name : $!" }

        # now go on to use the file ...

    If you're committed to doing this by hand, use the process ID and/or the
    current time-value. If you need to have many temporary files in one
    process, use a counter:

        BEGIN {
            use Fcntl;
            my $temp_dir = -d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP};
            my $base_name = sprintf("%s/%d-%d-0000", $temp_dir, $$, time());
            sub temp_file {
                local *FH;
                my $count = 0;
                until (defined(fileno(FH)) || $count++ > 100) {
                    $base_name =~ s/-(\d+)$/"-" . (1 + $1)/e;
                    sysopen(FH, $base_name, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_CREAT);
                if (defined(fileno(FH))
                    return (*FH, $base_name);
                } else {
                    return ();

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert   ICQ=14439852
 (_/   /  )    // //       DBE Collectibles
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