John Giordano wrote:
> $grep_deferred = system ('findstr DeferredStatus response1');
> print "$grep_deferred\n\n";
> $grep_deferred has this in it:
> <a href="/c9410ee04de9845704db8951dfde015b/DeferredStatus"><img
> src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
> Status"></a>

Are you sure? Try printing out "bloop\nblip\n$grep_deferred\nblep\n" and see
whether this <a href> line comes between "blip" and "blep".

>From `perldoc -f system`:

     The return value is the exit status of the program as returned
     by the `wait' call. To get the actual exit value divide by 256.

So if $grep_deferred is the return value from system, it's probably a
number. The line you're seeing on the screen is presumably the output of
findstr, which went to STDOUT; since you didn't redirect STDOUT, it went the
same place your print went.

You probably want `` (backticks).

ObTMTOWTDI: if you're looking for a fixed substring such as '<a ', then
consider using index() rather than regular expressions. See useless
benchmark at the end.


#!perl -w

use strict;
use Benchmark 'cmpthese';

cmpthese(5_000_000, {
  'index.start.found'    => sub { $a = index '<a
src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
Status"></a>', '<a '; },
  'index.start.notfound' => sub { $a = index '[a
src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
Status"></a>', '<a '; },
  'regex.start.found'    => sub { $a = '<a
src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
Status"></a>' =~ /<a /; },
  'regex.start.notfound' => sub { $a = '[a
src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
Status"></a>' =~ /<a /; },
  'index.end.found'      => sub { $a = index 'fhuhge8a goija fgoja w04gua
roigj oöijf g9a8u onigö lfsdkj gölija osij ga0 jügojar öoigj öosijd ü08g9u
gaji fäöigjah+w r0g9j aäüjäfpoiajs öoijfd +ajsd fäüpioaj öwoeijf öoasuidhf
p9iawh üefhaj woeijg awopihg apiuehrg üaiowj eoöfigjaw ejif<a
src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
Status"></a>', '<a '; },
  'index.end.notfound'   => sub { $a = index 'fhuhge8a goija fgoja w04gua
roigj oöijf g9a8u onigö lfsdkj gölija osij ga0 jügojar öoigj öosijd ü08g9u
gaji fäöigjah+w r0g9j aäüjäfpoiajs öoijfd +ajsd fäüpioaj öwoeijf öoasuidhf
p9iawh üefhaj woeijg awopihg apiuehrg üaiowj eoöfigjaw ejif[a
src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
Status"></a>', '<a '; },
  'regex.end.found'      => sub { $a = 'fhuhge8a goija fgoja w04gua roigj
oöijf g9a8u onigö lfsdkj gölija osij ga0 jügojar öoigj öosijd ü08g9u gaji
fäöigjah+w r0g9j aäüjäfpoiajs öoijfd +ajsd fäüpioaj öwoeijf öoasuidhf p9iawh
üefhaj woeijg awopihg apiuehrg üaiowj eoöfigjaw ejif<a
src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
Status"></a>' =~ /<a /; },
  'regex.end.notfound'   => sub { $a = 'fhuhge8a goija fgoja w04gua roigj
oöijf g9a8u onigö lfsdkj gölija osij ga0 jügojar öoigj öosijd ü08g9u gaji
fäöigjah+w r0g9j aäüjäfpoiajs öoijfd +ajsd fäüpioaj öwoeijf öoasuidhf p9iawh
üefhaj woeijg awopihg apiuehrg üaiowj eoöfigjaw ejif[a
src="/images/btnstats.gif" width=120 height=40 border=0 alt="Mail
Status"></a>' =~ /<a /; },
  'assign'               => sub { $a = 1; },


Benchmark: timing 5000000 iterations of assign, index.end.found,
index.end.notfound, index.start.found, inde
x.start.notfound, regex.end.found, regex.end.notfound, regex.start.found,
    assign:  0 wallclock secs ( 1.02 usr +  0.00 sys =  1.02 CPU) @
4897159.65/s (n=5000000)
index.end.found:  9 wallclock secs ( 9.79 usr +  0.00 sys =  9.79 CPU) @
510516.64/s (n=5000000)
index.end.notfound: 12 wallclock secs (12.38 usr +  0.00 sys = 12.38 CPU) @
404007.76/s (n=5000000)
index.start.found:  3 wallclock secs ( 2.49 usr +  0.00 sys =  2.49 CPU) @
2004811.55/s (n=5000000)
index.start.notfound:  5 wallclock secs ( 5.42 usr +  0.00 sys =  5.42 CPU)
@ 922849.76/s (n=5000000)
regex.end.found: 12 wallclock secs (11.42 usr +  0.00 sys = 11.42 CPU) @
437943.42/s (n=5000000)
regex.end.notfound: 13 wallclock secs (13.34 usr +  0.00 sys = 13.34 CPU) @
374840.69/s (n=5000000)
regex.start.found:  5 wallclock secs ( 3.91 usr +  0.00 sys =  3.91 CPU) @
1280081.93/s (n=5000000)
regex.start.notfound:  7 wallclock secs ( 6.38 usr +  0.00 sys =  6.38 CPU)
@ 783821.92/s (n=5000000)
                          Rate regex.end.notfound index.end.notfound
regex.end.found index.end.found regex.start.notfound index.start.notfound
regex.start.found index.start.found assign
regex.end.notfound    374841/s                 --                -7%
-14%            -27%         -52%                 -59%              -71%
-81%   -92%
index.end.notfound    404008/s                 8%                 --
-8%            -21%         -48%                 -56%              -68%
-80%   -92%
regex.end.found       437943/s                17%                 8%
--            -14%         -44%                 -53%              -66%
-78%   -91%
index.end.found       510517/s                36%                26%
17%              --         -35%                 -45%              -60%
-75%   -90%
regex.start.notfound  783822/s               109%                94%
79%             54%           --                 -15%              -39%
-61%   -84%
index.start.notfound  922850/s               146%               128%
111%             81%          18%                   --              -28%
-54%   -81%
regex.start.found    1280082/s               242%               217%
192%            151%          63%                  39%                --
-36%   -74%
index.start.found    2004812/s               435%               396%
358%            293%         156%                 117%               57%
--   -59%
assign               4897160/s              1206%              1112%
1018%            859%         525%                 431%              283%
144%     --
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