"Rogers, John" wrote:
> Howdy,
> to test control panel displays
> I wanted to make a alphanumeric counter,  eg I want to count from 1 to z
> using both upper and lower case.
> I thought I could do this with octal numbers.
> eg.
>         #!perl -w
> $df ="\101\102\103";
> print "$df\n";
> ###produces ABC
> so I assumed this would work.
> #!perl -w
> for(100..172){$char='\\'.$_;
>                         print "$char";
>                         }
> #but this produces \100\101\..so on
> If could someone be so kind as to explain why this dosn,t work.

You would have to eval it to get that kind of expression to work.

Doesn't make much sense to me, but maybe try (change 0 to 1 if you like):

for (0 .. 9, 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z') {
        print "$_\n";

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