> I am trying to pull user input from my html page and I am getting no
> where. I installed and configured ActivePerl last week. Could something

You need an HTML page to first call the script. 

<form action="foo.pl">
 What is your first name: <input type=text name=FirstName
 <input type=submit>

That should make the script work. When you hit the submit button, the
Perl script will be executed. "Ron" is the default value but you can
change that to anything you want. If you don't want a default value, use
"" as the default value.

> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print "<html><head>\n";
> print "<title>Thank you</title></head>\n";
> print "<body>\n";
> print "<h1>Thank you, ", $name{"FirstName"} , "</h1>\n";
> print "Thank you for completing the form.\n";
> print "</body></html>\n";

Some people find this easier to read:

print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";

print <<END_OF_HTML;
 <title>Thank You</title></head>
  <h1>Thank You $name{FirstName}</h1>

Look through your books for documentation on 'here documents' ( is that
their offical name? ).

Email me privately if you want a more detailed explaination.

- Ron
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

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